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Computers, IT and telephony

Here you find information about current operational status for IT, contact details and information about what services Med IT and the central IT unit, Division of IT, can offer you as an employee at the Faculty of Medicine. Order computers and computer accessories – Med IT order page Contact IT support LU Servicedeskservicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)+46 46 222 90 00 Telephony

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony - 2025-02-05

Information security

Information security concerns everything we do with the help of digital tools, but also how we handle information in analogue form. We all need to help safeguard our information security at the university. Some risks with breaches in information security:We may experience major delays in research and teachingWe risk erroneous research resultsWe risk fines due to violations of the law, for example

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/information-security - 2025-02-05

Networking, support, and guidance during your studies

Networking and support service Find resources, networking opportunities and links to student unions and the doctoral student ombudsman. Creating a scientific poster  Get practical help and feedback on your scientific poster. Also, sign up for our poster workshop! Publishing and preparing manuscripts Support from manuscript to final publication: Publish open access, use correct affiliations, graphi

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/phd-studies/networking-support-and-guidance-during-your-studies - 2025-02-05

Computer programmes and software licences

How to install programmes and licences* If you are using the platform pc.lu.se, you can install programs through the Software Center application portal in the Start menu. You can find more instructions on the pc.lu.se website.If you are using the platform mac.lu.se, you can install applications through Self Service, which you can find under Applications. You can find more instructions on the mac.l

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/computer-programmes-and-software-licences - 2025-02-05

LuZon – for those with a physical workplace at SUS

Uniform and easy access to Region Skåne's key services and most of Lund University's services with LuZon. Work in both environments simultaneouslyLuZon provides uniform and easy access to Region Skåne's key services and most of Lund University's services for those who need to work in both environments at the same time. This is made possible by LuZon, a certificate installed on the employee's LU co

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/luzon-those-physical-workplace-sus - 2025-02-05

Buying a computer and computer accessories

Secure and user-friendly computer platformsWhen you buy a computer, we recommend that you connect it to PC.LU.SE and MAC.LU.SE, which are campus-wide, modern, secure and user-friendly computer platforms based on Windows 11 and the latest MacOS.When you are connected to these platforms, you'll get automatic updates, security settings and firewalls.Backup automatically syncs your work folders. The h

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/buying-computer-and-computer-accessories - 2025-02-05

Network and VPN

Wireless network at Lund University: EduroamLund University has a campus-wide wireless network, Eduroam, which also allows you to connect to the wireless network at any university connected to Eduroam worldwide.Support Guides for Eduroam on the LU Support and Self-service website.VPN (Virtual Private Network)A VPN allows you to access Lund University's network and resources from a computer outside

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/network-and-vpn - 2025-02-05

Telephone and telephony

At Lund University, the Division of IT handles all telephone subscriptions. It is possible to get so called MEX (mobile extension) which means that you have two phone numbers, a mobile number and a landline number, on the same subscription. How to buy a phone Purchases of phones are made in our financial system Lupin/Proceedo.Read more about how to order in Lupin/Proceedo (Lund University Staff Pa

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/telephone-and-telephony - 2025-02-05

Printing and copying

The printing system used at the Faculty of Medicine is called PaperCut. Your printouts are placed in a central print queue and can be retrieved from any printer within the Faculty connected to PaperCut. Printouts remain in the printing system for 36 hours. You must have a Lucat ID to use the printers connected to PaperCut. How to copy and scan Installing LUPrint on your computerTo be able to print

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/computers-it-and-telephony/printing-and-copying - 2025-02-05

Interlibrary loans, databases and journals

Lund University has a wide range of tools and search services for finding essential medical and health literature. If you still can't find a specific article or book in Lund University's collections, you can request it through the interlibrary loan service of the Medical Library. You must be an employee or affiliated researcher to order articles and books through our service. How to order an inter

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/interlibrary-loans-databases-and-journals - 2025-02-05

Using the calendar

Do you want to inform about a conference, a seminar or an event in the web calendar? Shared calendarsThere are several calendars that you can consider using:Intramed - the faculty's internal website (intramed.lu.se and intramed.lu.se/en)The Faculty of Medicine's external website (medicin.lu.se)Lund University's central website (lu.se)Let your choice be governed by the target group(s) of the activi

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-within-faculty/using-calendar - 2025-02-05

Purchases, invoices and finances

On Lund University's staff pages you can find out how to do purchasing and procurement, how to manage invoices and read more about the university's finances. Contact the faculty's finance section Staff and contact details on the faculty's external website. Purchases, invoices and finances Read about budget, purchasing, approval, procurement and finances on the Lund University Staff Pages. Billing

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/purchases-invoices-and-finances - 2025-02-05

Forms and certificates needed during the PhD programme

The following forms cannot be saved. Please fill them in and print them directly. Unfortunately, it is not possible to press Reload or Back, as this will delete the completed information. Admission form full time PhD studies (pdf 366 kB, new tab)Certificate halfway review (pdf 461 kB, new tab)Licentiate - agreement form (pdf 166 kB, new tab)Examination, portfolio, eng. (pdf 136 kB, new tab)Examina

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/phd-studies/forms-and-certificates-needed-during-phd-programme - 2025-02-05

Communication and graphic profile

We belong to the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University = we are all representatives of our faculty and our university. We need to be clear and visible as an organisation - internationally, nationally, regionally and locally. Good communications contribute to strengthening the competitive edge of the university. There are several instruments and tools to use when communicating and presenting the F

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile - 2025-02-05

Providing information within the faculty

As an employee at the Faculty of Medicine, you have a responsibility to keep yourself informed about what is going on at the faculty, the departments and within support operations. There are several ways for you to access such information. Intramed  Intramed is the faculty intranet. Here you will find practical information that can be helpful in your work, for example how to book premises, verify

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-within-faculty - 2025-02-05

Morning meeting with the faculty

All employees are welcome to participate in our digital faculty morning meetings. These meetings are held every month and are an opportunity for you to meet the dean and the vice deans who discuss and provide information on various current topics. These meetings are held alternately in Swedish and English in order to be accessible to all employees at the faculty. Previous morning meetings  See pre

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-within-faculty/morning-meeting-faculty - 2025-02-05

Providing information outside the faculty 

There are various methods of sharing information about our research and educational programmes outside the faculty.Press and mediaNews can be shared using press releases, articles, columns, film clips, news tips, posts on social media. Sometimes through different channels for the same piece of news. The Faculty Communications Section handles all press contacts and can be reached at press [at] med

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-outside-faculty - 2025-02-05

Swedish terminology

Lund University Lund University - Lunds universitetVice-Chancellor - RektorDeputy Vice-Chancellor - ProrektorPro Vice-Chancellor - Vicerektor University Management - UniversitetsledningenUniversity Board - UniversitetsstyrelsenThe Vice-Chancellor´s Office - RektorsämbetetThe Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine- Medicinska fakultetenDean - DekanPro-Dean - ProdekanVice-Dean - VicedekanFaculty Ma

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-outside-faculty/swedish-terminology - 2025-02-05

PowerPoint presentation of the faculty 

Create your own PowerPoint presentation Swedish and English templates available to make your own PowerPoint presentation: Lund University PowerPoint templates (Lund University Staff Pages)PowerPoint presentation of the Faculty of Medicine This presentation is available in Swedish and English versions and contains around 30 images concerning the Faculty of Medicine as well as some introductory imag

https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/support-and-tools/communication-and-graphic-profile/providing-information-outside-faculty/powerpoint-presentation-faculty - 2025-02-05